Friday, October 22, 2010

Johnny Appleseed

The 1st graders at Antioch Elementary do a Johnny Appleseed play every year. We have had the priviledge of hearing all the songs being sung for the past month, and we finally got to enjoy the play yesterday evening. Although Ayden didn't have a speaking part, all the kids in the background were just as involved and definitely had the opportunity to show their personalities through the songs. It was super cute!

Shower time the evening before the play:

Ayden, go get your shower so you can be all ready for Johnny Appleseed tomorrow.

I'm not playing Johnny Appleseed, mom.

I know but you still need a shower.

No. I'm playing a mushroom, and mushrooms stink so I don't need a shower.

As I'm doing Jaelin's hair before school the morning of the play:

Jaelin, you get to do a play next year when you're in first grade too.

Really? Well, I hope we do Arby's.

Wait- what? Jaelin, it's "AppleSEED" not "AppleBEES." Goof!

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