Friday, November 5, 2010


This year's Halloween started off with the usual baking of the famous cookies and carving of the pumpkins. However, David and I got a little taste of how it will be when the kids leave home. I baked and he carved while the kids played outside with their friends. They had no interest until it was time to ice the cookies and eat them, of course...Jaelin posing with the "flat Girl Scouts" from Moldova

Shopping for costumes was quite the event. Ayden had no idea what he wanted to be, and Jaelin went in wanting to be a candy corn witch. There was simply no time to throw a costume together this year so into the store we went. Party City has this little system where you see the pictures on the wall, remember the number of the costume you want, and tell the store associate to get it for you in your size. Mind you, there was about a 20 minute wait in line to get to an associate, and this is about 3 weeks before Halloween. We stood in that line 3 times. Either they didn't have it in stock, the costume was "itchy," the mask was irritating, or it didn't fit. Oh yes, did I forget to mention that once Jaelin saw all of the options she backed down from her candy corn witch idea and decided to try on about 6 other costumes? Would you like to take a guess right now on what she walked out with?? Oh yes, little miss candy corn witch! Ayden, on the other hand, walked out with nothing, but was very excited when he had a ninja costume waiting for him when he got home from school! It turned out to be a fun night. All the kids from our street went trick-or-treating together. By the time we got around the neighborhood, half of them couldn't carry their buckets anymore because they were so heavy. I think we ended up with more candy at the end of the night than what I bought to give out....hello sugar rush!
The kids with some of their friends- Gemma, "Turtle," and "Miggy"

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